Tania A. Reyna | Homicide Watch Chicagohttp://homicides.suntimes.com/suspects/tania-a-reyna/Latest news about Tania A. Reynaen-usFri, 02 Jun 2017 16:09:39 -0500Woman gets 5 years for drunken driving crash that left Carlos De Lourdes dead last year in Brighton Parkhttp://homicides.suntimes.com/2017/06/02/woman-gets-5-years-for-drunken-driving-crash-that-left-carlos-de-lourdes-dead-last-year-in-brighton-park/<p>By JORDAN OWEN<br />
Chicago Sun-Times Wire<br />
<img src="http://wordpress.homicidewatch.org/chicago/files/2017/06/pub_showfront-1.asp_-300x300.jpg" alt="Tania A. Reyna | Illinois Dept. of Corrections" width="300" height="300" class="size-full wp-image-26147" srcset="http://wordpress.homicidewatch.org/chicago/files/2017/06/pub_showfront-1.asp_-300x300.jpg 300w, http://wordpress.homicidewatch.org/chicago/files/2017/06/pub_showfront-1.asp_-300x300-150x150.jpg 150w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /><p class="wp-caption-text">Tania A. Reyna | Illinois Dept. of Corrections</p><br />
A woman has been sentenced to five years in prison for a DUI in a crash that left <a href="http://homicides.suntimes.com/victims/carlos-de-lourdes/">Carlos De Lourdes</a> dead last year in the Southwest Side Brighton Park neighborhood.</p>
<p><a href="http://homicides.suntimes.com/suspects/tania-a-reyna/">Tania A. Reyna</a>, 40, pleaded guilty on May 24 to two counts of aggravated DUI in an accident causing death before Judge Nicholas Ford, according to Cook County court records. She was initially charged with reckless homicide with a motor vehicle, and aggravated DUI for an accident causing death.</p>
<p>About 11:45 p.m. on July 5, 2016, Reyna was driving south on California Avenue about 89 mph when she disobeyed a stop sign and struck a vehicle heading east on 44th Street, authorities said at the time.</p>
<p>The eastbound vehicle, driven by the 28-year-old De Lourdes, then struck two poles, and debris from the crash broke a storefront window.<br />
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<img src="http://wordpress.homicidewatch.org/chicago/files/2017/06/df29d0cfe2160defa570d5227098ba1c-225x300.jpg" alt="Carlos De Lourdes | Facebook" width="225" height="300" class="size-medium wp-image-26149" /><p class="wp-caption-text">Carlos De Lourdes | Facebook</p></p>
<p>De Lourdes, of the Brighton Park neighborhood, was extricated from his vehicle and taken to Mount Sinai Hospital, where he was pronounced dead an hour later, authorities said.</p>
<p>After the initial crash, Reyna’s vehicle continued south on California and struck a parked car, knocking it onto the sidewalk and into two buildings, police said. Her vehicle then struck another parked car, which was pushed into a third parked car.</p>
<p>Reyna’s vehicle then finally came to rest, police said. She was taken to Stroger Hospital, where her condition was stabilized.</p>
<p>Reyna told officers she had been drinking the alcoholic beverage Four Loko before the crash, and three Grey Goose vodka bottles were found on the passenger floor of her car, prosecutors said. She also tested positive for PCP.</p>
<p>Judge Ford sentenced Reyna, of the McKinley Park neighborhood, to five years in prison on May 24, according to court records. She will receive credit for 323 days served in the Cook County Jail, and will have to serve two years of supervision upon her release.</p>
<p>She was booked into the Logan Correctional Center to begin serving her sentence Wednesday, according to the Illinois Department of Corrections.</p>
Jeff MayesFri, 02 Jun 2017 16:09:39 -0500http://homicides.suntimes.com/2017/06/02/woman-gets-5-years-for-drunken-driving-crash-that-left-carlos-de-lourdes-dead-last-year-in-brighton-park/Carlos DeLourdesTania A. Reyna