Teresa Jarding | Homicide Watch Chicagohttp://homicides.suntimes.com/suspects/teresa-jarding/Latest news about Teresa Jardingen-usThu, 13 Nov 2014 19:00:55 -0600Sources: Live-in girlfriend killed Milan Lekich before killing herselfhttp://homicides.suntimes.com/2014/11/13/sources-live-in-girlfriend-killed-milan-lekich-before-killing-herself/<img src="http://wordpress.homicidewatch.org/chicago/files/2014/10/MilanLekich-217x300.jpg" alt="Milan Lekich / Photo from Chicago Police" width="217" height="300" class="size-medium wp-image-8581" /><p class="wp-caption-text">Milan Lekich / Photo from Chicago Police</p>
Chicago Sun-Times</p>
<p>The case of a South Side man found chopped up outside his garage last month is not expected to lead to any arrests, with investigators increasingly confident his live-in girlfriend acted alone before committing suicide, sources tell the Chicago Sun-Times.</p>
<p>The Chicago Police investigation, which is expected to wrap up in a matter of days, hasn’t uncovered what may have prompted <a href="http://homicides.suntimes.com/suspects/teresa-jarding/">Teresa Jarding</a> to kill <a href="http://homicides.suntimes.com/victims/milan-lekich/">Milan Lekich</a> and store his body near the home they shared in the Hegewisch neighborhood, the sources said this week.</p>
<p>The circumstances surrounding the case continue to baffle close friends and neighbors of Lekich, a well-liked electrician who enjoyed riding his touring Harley Davidson motorcycle.</p>
<p>Lekich’s remains were found Oct. 5 outside his garage in the 13300 block of South Avenue M -- after he’d been missing for more than a year. Investigators later determined that he’d been shot to death.<br />
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<p>Authorities had wanted to question Jarding, 49, about Lekich’s disappearance. But when they finally made contact with her in late September at a home she owned in tiny Fowler, Ind., she was near death with a gun by her side.</p>
<p>Jarding was taken to a nearby hospital, where she died the next day. On Oct. 15, authorities revealed that Jarding had committed suicide by “acute mixed-drug toxicity.”</p>
<p>The mystery deepened when investigators found the remains of Jarding’s mother’s body at the Fowler home. Investigators later said that Nena Metoyer, 68, died from a gunshot wound to the head.</p>
<p>Investigators are still awaiting the results of firearms testing in the Metoyer and Lekich murders.</p>
Michael LansuThu, 13 Nov 2014 19:00:55 -0600http://homicides.suntimes.com/2014/11/13/sources-live-in-girlfriend-killed-milan-lekich-before-killing-herself/Milan LekichTeresa JardingUPDATE: Woman with ties to Hegewisch victim committed suicide, Indiana coroner sayshttp://homicides.suntimes.com/2014/10/15/update-woman-with-ties-to-hegewisch-victim-committed-suicide-indiana-coroner-says/<img src="http://wordpress.homicidewatch.org/chicago/files/2014/10/MilanLekich-217x300.jpg" alt="Milan Lekich / Photo from Chicago Police" width="217" height="300" class="size-medium wp-image-8581" /><p class="wp-caption-text">Milan Lekich / Photo from Chicago Police</p>
<p>An Indiana woman central to a bizarre murder mystery with Chicago ties committed suicide, a coroner said Wednesday.<br />
<a href="http://homicides.suntimes.com/suspects/teresa-jarding/"><br />
Teresa Jarding</a> died of “acute mixed-drug toxicity” and her manner of death was suicide, Tippecanoe County (Ind.) Coroner Donna Hart Avolt said. But she refused to elaborate on the results of toxicology testing on Jarding’s remains.</p>
<p>“This is a family that is just reeling from the shock of everything that has gone on,” Avolt said. “So I will not elaborate any more than that.”</p>
<p>She said she promised the family she wouldn’t say anything further. “And also, I don’t have to,” she told the Chicago Sun-Times.<br />
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Police in Fowler, Ind., found the remains of a white woman Saturday at Jarding’s former residence. That revelation came after Cook County authorities identified Tuesday the remains of <a href="http://homicides.suntimes.com/victims/milan-lekich/">Milan Lekich</a> — a man Jarding purportedly married in Las Vegas. They were found Oct. 5 in Lekich’s garage in Hegewisch on Chicago’s Southeast Side.</p>
<p>Authorities wanted to question Jarding, 49, about Lekich’s disappearance. But when they finally made contact with Jarding at her home on Sept. 24, she was near death with a gun by her side, Fowler police said last week. Jarding was taken to an Indiana hospital, where she died from a brain hemorrhage the next day.</p>
<p>Soon after she died, authorities learned that her mother — who was in town from Florida to take care of the ailing Jarding — had been missing since August.</p>
<p>Fowler police would not say if the remains found at Jarding’s house belonged to her 68-year-old mother, Nena Metoyer. But they did say that the woman died from a gunshot wound to the head and classified her death as a homicide. Further DNA testing is needed to determine her identity, Fowler police said in an emailed statement.</p>
<p>The dismembered body of Lekich, 51, was found wrapped in plastic and a blanket in a garage in the 13300 block of South Avenue M, according to the Cook County medical examiner’s office and Chicago Police.</p>
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<p>An autopsy found Lekich died of multiple gunshot wounds to the head and his death has been ruled a homicide, according to a spokesman for the medical examiner’s office.</p>
<p>A woman who called police reported a strange smell coming from the garbage in the garage of the Hegewisch home, according to a police source.</p>
<p>The woman looked inside the garbage bag and found the man’s remains. Police issued a missing person report for Lekich that said he had last been seen in June 2013 and possibly could be in Florida or Indiana.</p>
<p>According to that report, Lekich’s last known residence was on the block where his remains were later found.</p>
<p>Part of the search for Lekich involved trying to talk to Jarding, who had moved to Fowler, about 100 miles south of Chicago. Jarding and Lekich married in Las Vegas in March 2013, according to Nevada court records. However, Cook County court records indicate Jarding was in the midst of a still-pending divorce at the time.</p>
<p>Chicago Police said Tuesday morning no arrests had been made in connection with Lekich’s death.</p>
Michael LansuWed, 15 Oct 2014 15:01:39 -0500http://homicides.suntimes.com/2014/10/15/update-woman-with-ties-to-hegewisch-victim-committed-suicide-indiana-coroner-says/Milan LekichTeresa Jarding