Wallace Faust | Homicide Watch Chicagohttp://homicides.suntimes.com/suspects/wallace-faust/Latest news about Wallace Fausten-usMon, 14 Apr 2014 18:30:34 -0500Reckless homicide charge filed for DUI crash that killed Darius Dudleyhttp://homicides.suntimes.com/2014/04/14/reckless-homicide-charge-filed-for-dui-crash-that-killed-darius-dudley/<p><iframe src="http://homicides.suntimes.com/api/v1/homicides/1167.html" width="100%" height="350" frameborder=0></iframe><br />
Darius Dudley was killed in a traffic crash on Dec. 29, and now, charges have been upgraded against the 18-year-old driver who was allegedly drunk when he crashed a vehicle in the South Chicago neighborhood.</p>
<p>Wallace Faust was speeding and disregarding traffic lights when he crashed in the 8100 block of South South Chicago Avenue about 4:10 a.m. on Dec. 29, 2013, police said.</p>
<p>Faust's passenger, the 18-year-old Dudley of the 7700 block of South Greenwood Avenue, was taken to Stroger Hospital, where he died about two hours later, according to the Cook County medical examiner's office.</p>
<p>Faust, of the 7600 block of South Greenwood Avenue, was charged days after the crash with one misdemeanor count of DUI. He now faces felony charges of aggravated DUI and reckless homicide, police announced.</p>
<p><em>—Chicago Sun-Times Wire</em></p>
Jeff MayesMon, 14 Apr 2014 18:30:34 -0500http://homicides.suntimes.com/2014/04/14/reckless-homicide-charge-filed-for-dui-crash-that-killed-darius-dudley/Wallace Faust