Willa Wickerson | Homicide Watch Chicagohttp://homicides.suntimes.com/suspects/willa-wickerson/Latest news about Willa Wickersonen-usFri, 16 Dec 2016 11:35:49 -060056-year-old babysitter charged with murder of 1-month-old Timothy Harmon, whose death was attributed to child abusehttp://homicides.suntimes.com/2016/12/16/56-year-old-babysitter-charged-with-murder-of-1-month-old-timothy-harmon-whose-death-was-attributed-to-child-abuse/<p><img src="http://wordpress.homicidewatch.org/chicago/files/2016/12/Wickerson-Willa-56-not-in-final-14-dec-240x300-240x300.jpg" alt="Willa Wickerson | Chicago Police" width="240" height="300" class="size-medium wp-image-22996" /><p class="wp-caption-text">Willa Wickerson | Chicago Police</p>A 56-year-old woman has been charged with killing a 1-month-old <a href="http://homicides.suntimes.com/victims/timothy-harmon/">Timothy Harmon</a>, whose death was attributed to child abuse last week in Englewood.</p>
<p><a href="http://homicides.suntimes.com/suspects/willa-wickerson/">Willa Wickerson</a> was charged late Thursday with first degree murder, according to Chicago Police.</p>
<p>About 2 p.m. on Dec. 7, officers were called to assist paramedics treating the infant, who was unresponsive inside his home in the 6600 block of South Racine, according to police and the Cook County medical examiner’s office.</p>
<p>Timothy was taken to St. Bernard Hospital, where he died at 2:39 p.m., authorities said.<br />
<img src="http://wordpress.homicidewatch.org/chicago/files/2016/12/6900ffc6215fd1a9dfcdfee06b2c29e9-225x300.jpg" alt="Timothy Harmon | Facebook" width="225" height="300" class="size-medium wp-image-22997" /><p class="wp-caption-text">Timothy Harmon | Facebook</p><br />
Police initially said the boy showed no obvious signs of trauma, but an autopsy ruled his death a homicide by child abuse.</p>
<p>Police said the baby's mother was not home at the time, and the 911 call was made by a babysitter.</p>
<p>Wickerson was taken into custody about 9:25 a.m. Wednesday at her home in the 6700 block of South Parnell Avenue, police said.</p>
<p>The state Department of Children and Family Services — which said it had no prior contact with the family — was also investigating, a spokeswoman said.</p>
<p>Judge Maria Kuriakos Ciesil ordered Wickerson jailed on a $1 million bond, court records show. Her next court date is Jan. 4.</p>
<p><em>--Chicago Sun-Times Wire</em></p>
Jeff MayesFri, 16 Dec 2016 11:35:49 -0600http://homicides.suntimes.com/2016/12/16/56-year-old-babysitter-charged-with-murder-of-1-month-old-timothy-harmon-whose-death-was-attributed-to-child-abuse/Timothy HarmonWilla Wickerson