Deja Atwood | Homicide Watch Chicago news about Deja Atwooden-usMon, 25 May 2015 12:28:15 -0500Deja Atwood fatally shot in West Englewood<p><span class='embed-youtube' style='text-align:center; display: block;'><iframe class='youtube-player' type='text/html' width='500' height='312' src=';rel=1&#038;fs=1&#038;showsearch=0&#038;showinfo=1&#038;iv_load_policy=1&#038;wmode=transparent' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen='true'></iframe></span></p> <p><a href="">Deja Atwood</a> was killed and two men were wounded when gunfire erupted at a West Englewood party early Sunday.</p> <p>Police said four people were denied entry to a party in the 6100 block of South Honore Street about 12:45 a.m. Sunday. The group responded by surrounding the party and opening fire -- striking three people outside, police said.<br /> <span id="more-11332"></span></p> <p><iframe src="" width="100%" height="350" frameborder=0></iframe></p> <p>Atwood, 29, was shot in the chest and leg and later died at Holy Cross Hospital, authorities said</p> <p>A 39-year-old man shot in the chest was taken to John H. Stroger Jr. Hospital of Cook County and a 25-year-old man shot in the arm was taken to Holy Cross Hospital, police said.</p> <p>Nobody has been charged for the killing.</p> <p>Area South detectives are investigating.</p> <p>-- Sun-Times Media Wire, Network Video Productions</p> Michael LansuMon, 25 May 2015 12:28:15 -0500 Atwood