Earron D. Moore | Homicide Watch Chicagohttp://homicides.suntimes.com/victims/earron-d-moore/Latest news about Earron D. Mooreen-usThu, 14 Dec 2017 09:34:30 -060025-year-old Earron Moore fatally shot in East Garfield Park; 'His heart was a big as he was,' brother sayshttp://homicides.suntimes.com/2017/12/14/25-year-old-earron-moore-fatally-shot-in-east-garfield-park/<p><iframe src="http://homicides.suntimes.com/api/v1/homicides/2781.html" width="100%" height="350" frameborder="0"></iframe></p>
<p><a href="http://homicides.suntimes.com/victims/earron-d-moore/">Earron D. Moore</a>, a UPS Airlines employee and aspiring entrepreneur, was killed in a drive-by shooting in the East Garfield Park neighborhood Tuesday morning.</p>
<p class="p1">"He was literally the most harmless soul you’d ever meet in your life," Moore's older brother, Eriq Moore, said. "I’ve never met anybody who had a problem with him. Everybody just loved him."</p>
<img class="size-medium wp-image-30094" src="http://wordpress.homicidewatch.org/chicago/files/2017/12/Earron-300x300.jpg" alt="Earron D. Moore| Facebook" width="300" height="300" srcset="http://wordpress.homicidewatch.org/chicago/files/2017/12/Earron-300x300.jpg 300w, http://wordpress.homicidewatch.org/chicago/files/2017/12/Earron-150x150.jpg 150w, http://wordpress.homicidewatch.org/chicago/files/2017/12/Earron.jpg 482w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /><p class="wp-caption-text">Earron Moore | Facebook</p>
<p>At 10:16 a.m., Moore, 25, was standing near the street in the 700 block of North Lawndale when someone fired shots at him from a passing vehicle, according to police and the medical examiner’s office.</p>
<p>Moore was shot at least once in the back and taken to Mount Sinai Hospital, where he was pronounced dead at 1:57 a.m. Wednesday, authorities said.</p>
<p class="p1">"My brother was passionate about being an entrepreneur<span class="s1">—</span>making it better for himself," Eriq Moore said. "One of his dreams was to own a tow truck company. We talked about saving money together, turning one tow truck into two, two into four, working ourselves up together and starting our own corporation."</p>
<p>Moore had attended Orr Academy High School, according to his Facebook page. He lived in the University Village neighborhood on the Near West Side.</p>
<p>"My brother was passionate about everything he did. His heart was a big as he was," Moore said.</p>
<p>Moore and his brother inspired each other to believe they could improve their lives, according to Eriq Moore.</p>
<img class="size-medium wp-image-30113" src="http://wordpress.homicidewatch.org/chicago/files/2017/12/earron1-300x200.jpg" alt="Earron Moore | Facebook" width="300" height="200" srcset="http://wordpress.homicidewatch.org/chicago/files/2017/12/earron1-300x200.jpg 300w, http://wordpress.homicidewatch.org/chicago/files/2017/12/earron1.jpg 500w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /><p class="wp-caption-text">Earron Moore | Facebook</p>
<p>"Earron was one of the few guys in my life who believed in my dreams," he said.</p>
<p>They were communicating by phone in Moore's dying moments.</p>
<p>"I was talking to my brother in the midst of him dying. We were joking," he said. To keep up his brother's spirits, Eriq Moore joked about the hat he promised to return to his brother.</p>
<p>"And that was my last comment to him," he said. "When he left, I felt him leave my body. This hat I have on my head, I didn't get a chance to give it back. So now I have to keep it."</p>
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David StruettThu, 14 Dec 2017 09:34:30 -0600http://homicides.suntimes.com/2017/12/14/25-year-old-earron-moore-fatally-shot-in-east-garfield-park/Earron D. Moore