Terrance Bingham | Homicide Watch Chicagohttp://homicides.suntimes.com/victims/terrance-bingham/Latest news about Terrance Binghamen-usMon, 15 May 2017 09:32:36 -050029-year-old Terrance Bingham fatally show a block from his home in Austinhttp://homicides.suntimes.com/2017/05/15/29-year-old-terrance-bingham-fatally-show-a-block-from-his-home-in-austin/<p><iframe src="http://homicides.suntimes.com/api/v1/homicides/2354.html" width="100%" height="350" frameborder=0></iframe></p>
<p><a href="http://homicides.suntimes.com/victims/terrance-bingham/">Terrance Bingham</a> was shot to death Thursday afternoon just a block from his home in the West Side Austin neighborhood.</p>
<p>About 5:20 p.m., the 29-year-old Bingham was in the 1100 block of North Long when he was shot multiple times on the left side of his body, according to Chicago Police and the Cook County medical examiner’s office. </p>
<p>Bingham was taken to West Suburban Medical Center in Oak Park, where he died at 5:35 p.m., authorities said. He lived about a block away in the same neighborhood where he was killed. </p>
<p>No one was in custody for the shooting as of Monday morning.</p>
<p><em>--Chicago Sun-Times Wire</em></p>
Jeff MayesMon, 15 May 2017 09:32:36 -0500http://homicides.suntimes.com/2017/05/15/29-year-old-terrance-bingham-fatally-show-a-block-from-his-home-in-austin/Terrance Bingham