Two men were charged with strangling the wife and elderly mother of one of the men, police said Monday night.
The women’s bodies were found in the trunk of a burning car late Saturday in a Palos Township forest preserve.
Robert Danno, 50, and Jose Fernardo Martinez-Hernandez, 24, were charged with two counts each of first-degree murder, according to Cook County Sheriff’s police, who said the two men are not related.
Danno and Martinez-Hernandez are accused of murdering Danno’s wife, Mary Ann Urban-Danno, who was in her 50s, and her mother Theresa Urban, who was in her 70s, according to Cook County Sheriff’s police.
The women were strangled, then stuffed into the trunk of a car that was torched about 11:45 p.m. Saturday in the Cap Sauers Holdings Nature Preserve in the 11600 block of Ford Road in Palos Park, police said.
Palos Fire Protection District firefighters found the bodies after extinguishing flames coming from the burning Chrysler PT Cruiser, said Cook County Sheriff’s police spokesman Benjamin Breit. Both women were dead on the scene, authorities said.
A Sunday autopsy determined both women died from strangulation and their deaths were ruled homicides, according to the Cook County Medical Examiner’s office.
Danno and Martinez-Hernandez are scheduled to appear for a bond hearing Tuesday morning at the Bridgeview Courthouse.
Homicide Watch Chicago is dedicated to the proposition that murder is never a run-of-the-mill story. Attention must be paid to each one, not merely a select and particularly tragic few. We understand the reality of the public’s demand for news - that some stories get more attention than others. But all murders represent a degree of human suffering - direct and indirect - that cannot be ignored. Read more…
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