Comment of the Day: “I remember him as a real bright light in our class”

ArrowStream CEO Steven LaVoie was shot at his Loop office July 31 and died this month. Reader “Georgette N.” posted this about him:

To the LaVoie Family, of Chicago, Illinois and also Sonoma, California: Please accept my sincere condolences on the loss of Steven. I went to high school with him here in California, and I remember him as a real bright light in our class. A smart, funny, and kind person. He was an “old soul” in a young man’s body, and that’s meant in good way. 🙂 Steve carried a briefcase around with him at Sonoma High, and it was his trademark. 🙂 We were all just kids then, looking forward to our futures. Steve will be missed by many and will be remembered with fondness. Please take some comfort in knowing that he is now with God — and he is whole, happy, and free.