Comment of the Day: “I know it really hurts that you lost your best friend, and now his blood is on your hand”

Authorities claimed James Gonnigan accidentally shot and killed his friend Marsalis Holman in their North Lawndale home on Jan. 4. Reader Tilden 2007 posted this about the killing:

I am really sorry this happen to you James, I know you are a good person and this was just a simple mistake. I know it really hurts that you lost your best friend, and now his blood is on your hand. My prayers are to you and to him and his family. I understand people make mistakes and this by far is the worst of them all. I pray that you do not have to live the rest of your life in jail for a simple mistake. I hope the Justice system see you for who you are and not as a killer. Mistake are made on a daily, and I know you have already learned from it. You lost your beloved friend and I am truly sorry for your lost. #2007 #Tilden #Chicago #JamesGonnigan #r.i.p