Velasquez family remembers son slain in New Year’s Day beating

Ezequiel Velasquez, 17, died Jan. 9 from injuries he sustained more than a week earlier during a New Year’s Day beating. He was expecting a daughter, who was born on June 22. His mother wrote the following letter to Homicide Watch Chicago.

My name is Lydia Velasquez and I lost my son by cause of a violent beating. There were 12 males that took my baby’s life from us; Ezequiel Velasquez was only 17 years old with a baby on the way. I will now tell you about my precious baby boy.

"Izzy" Valesquz, 17, died on Jan. 9, months before his first child was born.

Izzy” Valesquz, 17, died on Jan. 9, months before his first child was born.

I can still remember the day my son was born like it was yesterday. Ezequiel Velasquez was born on Oct. 1, 1995 at 7:01 p.m. My fourth son at the time, he had dirty blonde hair with a light complexion and was the most beautiful baby I had yet. His three older brother were so happy they couldn’t wait to meet him. He was a happy and easygoing baby, and that stayed with him for the rest of his life. My “Izzy” was very smart in school he would bring home certificates to Mama all the time. He was Grandma Gracie and Papi Chuy’s little guy, who spent most of his childhood with them. He was in a sense their child. Like most children, Izzy enjoyed playing and hanging out with his brothers. Although it would drive me up the wall, but it overwhelmed me with joy that my boys had that relationship. He was the type of kid that would help you if you needed with no questions asked. Izzy became an older brother and was excited that finally he wasn’t the one being picked on. Now there was a house of five brothers, what a joy for me. Izzy had an understanding for his little brother because he knew what it was like to be one. Therefore, he was his protector, loving the big brother role.

As he got older, he became a faithful and loyal friend to many. Many considered him a brother because of his loyalty. Just like any teenager, he his a bump in the road, but in time he found his way home to his family. Izzy met a young lady that he loved very much and started to better himself by going back to school to pave a positive road for their future. My Izzy was the lightest of my sons, but he was the most Mexican of them all. He was a big admirer of all Mexican music, especially the Rancheras and Tamborazo. That was my Izzy, always singing you a good song. There would be times when he would blast the radio and sing and dance away and say, “Come on Ma, dance with me.” These are some of the many loving memories I will never let go.

Moreover, Izzy was overcome with joy when he became a big brother for the second time to a baby sister named Lea Grace on May 18, 2012. He was looking forward to protecting her from the world. Shortly after, his first nephew Izak Angelo was born. He was so excited to have a boy to rough up.

All in all, my baby boy Ezequiel Velasquez was the most loving and kind-hearted person that did not deserve to leave this world the way he did and lose out on all the joy that was coming to him.

In conclusion, his daughter Izzabella Lily Velasquez-Luna was born on June 22. Just like I was there when my son left this world, I was there when his daughter entered. I am truly blessed to have a piece of him left on this earth that I can hold and look at and see his face. All children are a blessing, but my granddaughter Izzabella is one special angel that will honor her father with the love, respect and pride that my son, her father once had.

I can go on and on with endless stories about my precious son, a mother’s story is endless. What the world needs to know about my son is that he was cheated, cheated out of life. He was not your regular statistic, although most moms would say that about their sons. Mine is one of a kind, just like a good card hand.

I would like to thank you for letting me share with you a little piece of my Ezequiel’s life story. My final words will be, “I love my Mijo and will forever hurt.” I would always tell him, “Mama loves you mijo.” Now, I tell him, “Wait for me at the gates of heaven, I’ll be there shortly.”

Yours truly,

 The Velasquez Family