Comment of the Day: “I knew justice would be served for my brother they locked this man up the day of my brother funeral”

Darius Oliver was shot dead in August outside of an Uptown church. Kelsky Patterson was charged on one count of first-degree murder for the Oliver’s death and was ordered held on a $1 million bond in November. Poster “Kristina Alwayzbeenme Oliver” shared this about Oliver:

I so glad that he is locked up good he took my brother from me and his family. Darius was a true angel that did nothing to no one he always put others before his self even that night he thought about others. Darius gave his life up saving everyone else that was around him he hurts so bad that it happened that way but he did just what GOD put him for saving and caring for others. I knew justice would be served for my brother they locked this man up the day of my brother funeral thank you lord, R.I.P Darius Marqui Oliver you are truly missed my lil brother.