Before she was shot, Francina Lowery was trying to turn her life around, for herself and her two children

Francina Lowery | Facebook

Francina Lowery | Facebook

Homicide Watch Chicago

At 23, Francina Lowery was turning her life around for her kids, according to her friend Tracy Farmer.

She was taking classes and making an effort to see the 2- and 4-year-olds, but now she will not be there for them.

Lowery was shot July 6 about 6:30 p.m. in the 4400 block of West Haddon in Humboldt Park. She was pronounced dead at the scene, according to Chicago Police.

Francina and her kids had a bond that no one could ever break,” her sister, Lora Lowery, said.

Francina Lowery | Facebook

Francina Lowery | Facebook

Francina was killed in an area she did not typically hang out in, according to her sister, who suspects she could have been looking at an apartment, but is unsure because of how secretive her sister could be.

Farmer said Lowery had texted a friend asking for assistance before the shooting.

This wouldn’t have happened if I’d known she was about to be killed,” Farmer said.

The Roseland resident was originally from south suburban Richton Park, where she attended Rich South Campus High School.

Farmer said she was helping Lowery get her life back together—getting her “out of the streets” and taking care of her kids when she needed assistance. She was leaving her past troubles behind and putting her focus on improving her lifestyle.

Francina Lowery | Facebook

Francina Lowery | Facebook

Francina was the type of person to help you out,” Farmer said.

Lowery was a loving person with a kind heart, said Lora Lowery. She had a love for singing, dancing, and taking photos.

She was always shaking her booty and just had a joy about her that could brighten your day,” Lora Lowery said.

I hope the community remembers that she was the most kind and gentle person.”